–Martin Cooper, Chair of Dyna LLC
“I think of Mina as my writing therapist. It amazes me how helpful Mina has been, especially in comparison to taking a formal writing class. Mina has unlocked something in me. What she does is more than coaching”. I am very aware as we work together that Mina is teaching me about writing without formally structuring our work together that way.’
— Therese Rosenblatt PhD
Psychologist/Psychoanalyst, author of How Are You? Connection In A Virtual World (Rosetta Books, forthcoming)
Whether you are not sure how to start, embarking on a new project, stuck in the middle, or putting the finishing touches on a close-to-final draft, I offer guidance and support at every stage of your creative process. From the first glimmer of an idea through to publication, I help writers achieve their dream of offering their work out into the world.